Hurrah!!! Thanks to the Aaron and Blaz over at ELEVEN MEDIA my new photo website is finally complete and now live online.
You can check it out at
This also means this blog address will no longer be updated as I have a new blog connected to the website so please click on the link above in the future.
The whole experience of sorting through 10 years of accumulated photos has been an interesting experience that has brought back a lot of memories for me and helped me realise how far I've come a a photographer. I've also come to the realisation that I really need better organisational skills when it comes to storing my photos / slides as I have misplaced a lot of shots I couldn't locate.
In the time it took me to individually scan in all the slides that make up a high percentage of the Snowboarding section of the site I managed to watch all of Season 4 of The Wire online. Considering the scanner would allow me to load up 4 slides at a time and the process would take over 20 mins to completely scan you can understand how long and tedious a process this was. Looking back at my old slide shots has also made me realise how far superior slide film is compared to digital images, especially in terms of colour and light reproduction.
Anyways hope you all enjoy the website and if you have something you want shot drop me a line.
Special thanks to Dan Himbrechts for the slide scanner loan as well.
Below are some pics of the volume of content I had to sort through. A lot of shots to try and edit down to a select bunch of favourites.

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