A female model was hired from some agency so we could shoot their womens range of clothing while some of their sponsored surfers were used to model the guys range. The shoot was so long ago I had basically forgotten all about it until the weekend when an email from Alex Guzman popped up in my inbox.
Alex used to be the editor of Powderhound Magazine and now spends the majority of his time shooting scantily clad women for Surfing Life, Ralph, FHM etc. He did some touch up work on one of my bikini shots of the NRG model, not that I thought she needed it as she was pretty fine looking. If you click on the image below you can see the before and after shots a little bigger and you'll notice the changes Alex has made.
Now I know this is pretty standard practice for most magazines to retouch their models but its pretty crazy to see it happen to one of your own shots. Its no wonders teenage girls have eating disorders trying to live up to unobtainable body images.